Gaius Kong: “Allahu Akbar” vs ISIS: “Allahu Akbar”

“Allahu Akbar!”
Gaius Kong, Dec 2016, New York, USA

my daddy says to me every night:

when we wake up tomorrow, we will pray to Allah,
till our foreheads darken, knees swollen, till Allahu Akbar
are the very words that are the most joyfully spoken,
to the Almighty God our hearts are faithfully open.

when we wake up tomorrow, without seeing bomb blasts,
ruined buildings, nor the wreckage of burned cars,
we will recite the Qur’an till our souls blend our hearts,
till every Muslim chants and prays by the evening stars.

when we wake up tomorrow, without hearing bullets,
without smelling corpses, without enduring the news
of wars from Younis, nor reading the list of dead in Gaza,
Rafah, or the old Jabalia, we’ll shout aloud Allahu Akbar!

when we wake up tomorrow, we shall go to the streets,
aid the sick and dying who are covered by murky sheets,
feed the orphans who are crying “Help me, I’m hungry”
and teach the kids to learn our glories and our history.

Allahu Akbar! when we are amazed by nature and beauty.
Allahu Akbar! when we are enduring every task and duty.
Allahu Akbar! when we are frightened, anxious or weak.
Allahu Akbar! when we are joyful, delighted, or at our peak.

“when we wake up… tomorrow,” in the midst of floundering,
yelling and stumbling, father’s eyes on me, tears spilling,
skins burned, legs broken, chest trembling, voice delicate,
“don’t hate…there’s only one love, by which we all relate.”

恐怖分子在行刑或自杀式攻击前都会大喊Allahu Akbar,ISIS的圣战之歌(附后)即用它为标题。可是在16亿伊斯兰教徒心中,Allahu Akbar的意思是“上帝最伟大” God is greater (than the beautyand ugliness of this world).  正如“愿主与你同在”或“阿弥陀佛”般的美好。




2016年10月21日,当ISIS袭击伊拉克Kirkuk市时,伊拉克男子Ako Abdulrahman意识到需要一些自我保护。他决定投资一辆装甲车,结果没想到这个想法竟然救了70人。

32岁的Ako Abdulrahman与妻子和四个孩子生活在Kirkuk以南约23公里。他对汽车并非懂行,但研究后仍在年初一次拍卖会上花一万美元买下一辆1990年款的防弹宝马车。当ISIS对他的城市进行一系列攻击,造成64人死亡,100多名平民受伤。许多人是由于武装分子不分青红皂白的射击而死伤,也有一些人被狙击手从屋顶击中。








