Toto, lovely puppy, my lady’s pet
Oft you thrill her with your little paws
In her arms or on her lap; um, your wet
Nose sometimes makes her blush, because
When she holds you closely and dearly
She may find relief and not feel lonely.
When she walks you in her garden, seeing
The darling buds of June, she seems to say:
“Ah, the same rose that smiles to me today
Tomorrow will fade away; how time’s flying!
Tender youth, a sweet song, bright and shining
But sorry, only once can we be singing… “
O Toto, if only I could play with you too
And lighten the gloomy cares of the heart.
May you, bright creature, be brave and true.
The Ocean could settle the lands far apart
But whatever time or space may intervene,
We are no longer strangers in this scene.
New York