红移 诗歌 如果宇宙在慢慢地收缩直到涅槃那么行星的颜色应该看起来更蓝不用深蓝只比清晨稍多一抹淡淡的蓝 霍金说过宇宙的法则是万有引力星云星系生生不息犹如阴阳太极纵使百万光年之距旋转相吸至始如一 也许人类只是造物主意识的一瞬间但我们笃信了缘分的羁牵虽然看不见虽然相隔万里却能够感知彼此的心弦… I Dare Because I Care 诗歌 It seems people… think practice without immediate results 诗歌 think the way… Gaius Kong: “Allahu Akbar” vs ISIS: “Allahu Akbar” 诗歌 when we wake… the old man’s sun 诗歌 july’s sun, so… The Sword and the Gospel 诗歌 Emperor Nero startled… you 诗歌 the flow of… What the Mirror Said 诗歌 Listen, oh woman… Bad Poetry: A Poet and His Pen 诗歌 There is a… Two coffees tonight cost two bucks 诗歌 Two coffees tonight… 点击加载更多